by admin 

Last DAY Logging 2022 & Opportunity To Show Felling Hard Maple As I Do Maximizing Log Value & Safety


Interesting to me to see the difference in priorities. For me & those who buy my logs we tend to agree. First my my land or customers land, SHORT as possible stumps. Tops easy to skid for firewood later. As much good wood out of a log as geometrically possible. Safety. HAS to be a safe approach. ESPECIALLY for an old “One Man Show”. I work by myself. As age advances, foot speed diminishes. SO the felling approach as adapted as well. My hinge development hasn’t changed in decades. FULL hinge on some species of trees as they break clean. Center bore cut out on others that like to pull. No “one size fits all” as each tree and tree species have different “fiber” characteristics. So this is a summary for Hard Maple. NOT for Ash as if I leave the hinge as I do here, I will loose a lot to pull’s, and even possibly a barber chair. So where I had done an Ash summary before, this is for Maple

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